【中文歌詞】BIGBANG G-DRAGON – Drama 歌詞翻譯連羅馬拼音(空耳)

BIGBANG G-DRAGON 今天以全新個人專輯《Übermensch》回歸,專輯共有8首歌曲。一起看看 BIGBANG G-DRAGON – Drama 歌詞翻譯!

BIGBANG G-DRAGON 《Übermensch》專輯歌詞

  1. G-DRAGON – Power 歌詞
  2. G-DRAGON – Home Sweet Home 歌詞
  3. G-DRAGON – Too Bad 歌詞
  4. G-DRAGON – Drama 歌詞
  6. G-DRAGON – Take Me 歌詞
  7. G-DRAGON – Bonamana 歌詞
  8. G-DRAGON – Gyro-Drop 歌詞


BIGBANG G-DRAGON – Drama 歌詞翻譯連羅馬拼音(空耳)

When every scene’s rolling in good 當每個場景都順利的時候
Why you acting like it’s so bad 你為何表現得如此糟糕
There is nothing left to see right, so I’d 沒有什麼值得一看,所以我
Paint all over this painful of black 把這痛苦塗成黑色
Seems like you like to start an argument 看起來你喜歡挑起爭端
Win or lose, just for the hell of it 不論贏還是輸,只為一念之樂

You never like it when it’s nice 當事情變得美好時,你從來不喜歡
Drama queen, got it from her mama (Mama, mama) 戲劇女王,這特質來自她的媽媽(媽媽,媽媽)
Rather hang up to pick a fight 寧願掛斷電話來挑起爭吵
What goes around, here comes the karma (Karma, karma) 惡有惡報,因果報應(因果,因果)
Baby, it’s cold outside, I’ll make you warm 寶貝,外面很冷,我會讓你溫暖
Burn, burn, this love 燃燒吧,燃燒吧,這份愛
The end begins for us, be nice 我們的末日開始了,要善良
I bet you like it, bet you like this 我敢打賭你會喜歡它,我敢打賭你會喜歡這個

I’ve lost an angel, falling in lovе 我失去了一位天使,墜入愛河
Blessing the curse that wе are born with and 祝福我們與生俱來的詛咒
I gave it all that I could but 我已經付出了一切,但
How dare you be so cold and heartless? 你怎敢如此冷漠無情?
Let’s take a bow, I’m out the door 讓我們鞠躬告別,我走出門外
You want more? Go play the role alone 你還想要更多嗎?自己去扮演那角色吧
わからない、意味もないし。 我不明白,沒有意義
何故? 君は… 為什麼?你…

You never like it when it’s nice 當事情變得美好時,你從來不喜歡
Drama queen, got it from her mama (Mama, mama) 戲劇女王,這特質來自她的媽媽(媽媽,媽媽)
Rather hang up to pick a fight 寧願掛斷電話來挑起爭吵
What goes around, here comes the karma (Karma, karma) 惡有惡報,因果報應(因果,因果)
Baby, it’s cold outside, I’ll make you warm 寶貝,外面很冷,我會讓你溫暖
Burn, burn, this love 燃燒吧,燃燒吧,這份愛
The end begins for us, be nice 我們的末日開始了,要善良
I bet you like it, bet you like this 我敢打賭你會喜歡它,我敢打賭你會喜歡這個

I don’t know why can’t we be drama-free 我不知道為什麼我們不能沒有戲劇
More than just a minute, I keep asking myself 不只一分鐘,我一直在問自己
What the hell am I doing in this…? 我到底在幹嘛… ?
‘극’에 달한 ‘희비’가 갈마드는 ‘드라마’ 一部歡樂與悲傷達到極致的戲劇

You never like it when it’s nice 當事情變得美好時,你從來不喜歡
Drama queen, got it from her mama (Mama, mama) 戲劇女王,這特質來自她的媽媽(媽媽,媽媽)
Rather hang up to pick a fight 寧願掛斷電話來挑起爭吵
What goes around, here comes the karma (Karma, karma) 惡有惡報,因果報應(因果,因果)
Baby, it’s cold outside, I’ll make you warm 寶貝,外面很冷,我會讓你溫暖
Burn, burn, this love 燃燒吧,燃燒吧,這份愛
The end begins for us, be nice 我們的末日開始了,要善良
I bet you like it, you like a 我敢打賭你會喜歡它,你喜歡

You never like it when it’s nice 當事情變得美好時,你從來不喜歡
Drama queen, got it from her mama (Mama, mama) 戲劇女王,這特質來自她的媽媽(媽媽,媽媽)
Baby, it’s cold outside 寶貝,外面很冷
Burn, burn, this love 燃燒吧,燃燒吧,這份愛
You never like it when it’s nice 當事情變得美好時,你從來不喜歡

**BIGBANG G-DRAGON – Drama 歌詞 轉載請註明出處:KED部落格 https://www.kedblog.com/




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